Remember a loooong time ago I said I was working on a commission? Well, I am pleased to announce that I have finally finished! May I present THEE pair of waterproof waxed cotton bibs. A foray into menswear, this pattern was based on some windproof snowpants I made for my bf last winter. A bit more involved (pockets! double-cuffs! rivets! snaps! hardware!), I'm very pleased with how this garment turned out.
Meant to last, waxed cotton is the stuff of Filson, Barbour, et al. Let me tell you, this textile is really great. Remember those rainpants I took to Alaska? Same amazing stuff. I can't stop raving about my experience with waxed canvases! The more you wear them in, the better they get. This photo shows how it wears, with my Alaska-tested pants over the new bibs. The best part is that you can re-proof them if they begin to wear out, which probably won't become a problem for about twenty years. In the meantime, you'll stay dry and stylish! Happy camping!